

1. 本公司保留判斷顧客之冷氣機是否適合清洗的最終決定權。
2. 如經本公司技術人員清洗前檢查冷氣機後,顧客決定不即時清洗冷氣機或冷氣機不適合清洗,本公司將會收取HKD$250元正行政費。
3. 當技術人員到達服務單位後,如顧客因任何原因決定不即時清洗冷氣機,本公司將會收取HKD$250元正行政費。
4. 如顧客於約定之服務日期爽約、因任何事故不能使用服務或取消服務,本公司將會收取HKD$250元正行政費及所有已繳的訂金及服務費將不會退回。
5. 清洗前檢查過程中,有機會未能發現所有潛在問題,如清洗過程中或完成清洗後,發現其他需修整之項目,本公司不會負責處理及承擔項目之維修,此項將視為另一項工程而另作報價及收費。
6. 如停車地點至到達服務位置需行樓梯或行走小徑,本公司需收取樓梯費或小徑費,費用另議。
7. 如窗口機的機頂位置高於2.5米或分體式冷卻機的機頂位置高於3米,則需額外收取每部HKD$100元正的高空工作費;如冷氣機的機頂位置高於3.5米則需另行報價。
8. 如清洗室外機時需安裝棚架需另行收費。
9. 工作完成後顧客需即時全數繳清服務及工程費用予技術人員。如顧客未能即時全數繳清,本公司將會每月收取欠款的2%逾期費用,直至客戶繳清所有欠款。而所有服務均不設退款。
10. 清洗冷氣後享有三十天保養期。如因安裝或零件引致的問題,本公司將不會提供保養期及任何保養服務。
11. 顧客必須同意本公司的保養條款,方可享受保養期內的保養服務。
12. 優惠價只適用於特定條件下,本公司保留判斷顧客是否適用優惠價的最終決定權。所有優惠須遵守相關的條款及細則的約束。
13. 在清洗冷氣前,顧客必須清除障礙物及提供適當之工作空間以便清洗。如顧客未能配合及安排,則視為顧客決定不即時清洗冷氣機,並根據條款2收費。本公司保留判斷顧客有否提供適當之工作空間以便清洗的最終決定權。
14. 在清洗過程中,顧客必須提供不間斷的自來水及電源,所產生的任何費用全由顧客負責。如顧客未能提供,則視為顧客決定不即時清洗冷氣機,並根據條款2收費,本公司保留判斷顧客有否提供不間斷的自來水及電源的最終決定權。
15. 顧客已清楚明白並同意服務範圍及條款並無異議。
16. 如因本公司員工疏忽而引致顧客財物損毀,最高賠償額為該服務總額的100%。
17. 如懸掛八號或以上颱風或黑色暴雨警告信號,所有已預約之服務將會另行安排。
18. 除獲本公司書面同意外,本合約不可轉讓或退款。本合約完成後,本公司並無責任以相同條款及條件或其他條件將合約更新。
19. 本合約受香港特別行政區法律管轄,並依香港法律詮釋,假若對本合約有任何爭議,合約順從本港法律為唯一裁判權。
20. 本公司有權隨時對服務條款作出改變、刪除、修正及增加,唯該等變更將在本公司公佈或通知客戶後即時生效。
21. 本服務條款為本公司服務的基礎及合約條款,客戶於預約或接受本公司服務時,即表示同意該等條款。
22. 如有任何爭議,AC Clean Services Limited 保留最終決定權。
23. 中英版之內容如有任何歧義,在任何情況下概以英文版為準。


Cleaning services terms and conditions

1. AC Clean Services Limited reserves the right to determine whether the air-conditioner is suitable for cleaning or not.
2. Administrative fee of HKD$250 will be charged, once the air-conditioner is not suitable for cleaning, or customer decided not cleaning right after evaluation.
3. After technician arrival on spot, if customer decided not cleaning the air-conditioner with any reason, administrative fee of HKD$250 will be charged.
4. Administrative fee of HKD$250 will be charged if customer is no show, refusing technicians to enter the promises, technicians cannot carry out services or customer cancelling the order by any reason. All other payment will not be refunded.
5. During evaluation, there may be unforeseen problem. If there will incur other repair items during cleaning process, AC Clean Services Limited will not be responsible to those items and those incurred item will be considered as extra items to the service. AC Clean Services Limited will provide a separated quotation and bill for those items.
6. Additional charges are applied for any deliveries or technician accesses via stairs or podium of all tools and machine units between parking slot and cleaning spot.
7. HKD$100 will be charge for working at height, it the installation of window-type air-conditioner above 2.5meters and split type air-conditioner is above 3meters. Separate quotation for additional charge of height more than 3.5meters is needed.
8. Services do not include scaffolding work. Quotation for scaffolding is required for cleaning outdoor unit.
9. Any outstanding payment should be settled on completion of work to AC Clean Services Limited’s onside technician. Customer will be charged a financial charge at 2% of outstanding amount monthly until customer fully settled all outstanding charges. All paid amount are not be refundable.
10. 30 days of warranty after cleaning service. Any defect due to the installation of air-conditioner or park of air-conditioner or parts of air-conditioner, warranty will be void and AC Clean Services Limited will not provide any warranty.
11. Warranty only valid if customer agrees to AC Clean Services Limited’s warranty service terms and conditions.
12. Special offer only valid under designated conditions. AC Clean Services Limited reserves the right to determine whether special offers could apply or not.
13. Customer shall provide sufficient working space for accessing and cleaning the appliances. Any blockage should be cleared by customer. It will be considered as customer decided not cleaning right after evaluation if customer could not comply and will be charged according to terms No.2.AC Clean Services Limited reserves all rights to determine the sufficient working space on spot.
14. Continue supply of tap water and electricity should be provided by and paid by customer. If customer could not comply, it is considered as customer decided not cleaning right after inspection and will be charged according to terms No.2.AC Clean Services Limited reserves the right to determine if there is continue supply of tap water and electricity or not.
15. Customers are fully understood and agreed with the range of cleaning and cleaning process of AC Clean Services Limited.
16. Damage to customer’s furnishing properties due to negligence of the AC Clean Services Limited’s employees, the maximum amount of compensation is 100% of the total amount of services billed,
17. If typhoon signal No.8 or above or black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted, all scheduled services will be re-arranged according to AC Clean Services Limited’s schedule.
18. This agreement is neither transferable nor refundable, without the written consent of the Company. The Company shall not be under any obligation to renew this agreement upon is expiration either upon the same terms and conditions or otherwise.
19. This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the parties hereto hereby submit to the not-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in respect of any matter or dispute arising hereunder.
20.  AC Clean Services Limited reserves all rights to make changes, deletions, amendments, and additions to the terms of service. Such changes will take effect immediately after the company announces of informs.
21. There terms and conditions are the basis of the AC Clean Services Limited’s services and contract terms. Customers are considered as agreeing to these terms when making appointments or accepting services from AC Clean Services Limited.
22. All matters and disputes are subject to the final decision of AC Clean Services Limited.
23. These of AC Clean Services Limited may be translated into other languages. Should there be any inconsistence or conflict between the translated version and the English version, this English version shall prevail.